Saturday, January 16, 2010

the top 10 games of '09

2009 has been a pretty good year for gamers,we all know there were games released this year that literally blew us away and "blasted" our minds(russell peters :P),so heres my list for the top 10 games of the year

platform-Nintendo wii

Why's mad world on this list?its on this list because it's the first wii game that i actually had fun playing,i agree i was swinging the nunchuck and the damn wii remote like crazy wheni bought the console,but wii sports and mario just entertains you for a couple of days,madworld was like a breath of fresh air,a wicked chainsaw loads of brutal finishes a great soundtrack...whoa!awesomely gruesome sin city style,i agree that its not one of the greatest game ever but this game is what made me realize that my wii console wasnt a complete waste of money

9.gta-china town wars
platform-ds (and later on the psp)

this was hard to digest at first,gta on the good can it be?well the game was frikkin awesome the only problem was that majority of the ds owners were kids(nintendo being family friendly and all)

8.killzone 2

there wasnt one ps3 fanboy in this world who wasnt waiting for this game,and it did live up to its expectations,it was a well detailed shooter with an amazing multiplayer mode,the only problem was that killzone geeks never liked anybody criticizing their precious game "ur biased b**ch!ps3 rockzzzz xbox suckzzz!!!!!"

7.resident evil 5

the much awaited re5 was finally out,it wasnt as epic as re4, thats probably why everyone forgot about it a couple of months after its release, but u cannot deny the fact that it was definitely one of the best games that came out this year,its got an amazing online co op and great visuals.

6.brutal legend

i shouldnt be including this game on my list because i havent played it yet but its tim schafer and jack black!come on! a game based on rock music?think a bad ass version of tenacious d(yes kyle gass does make an appearance)

5.street fighter IV

the gran daddy of all fighters staged a major comeback earlier this year,capcom perfected street fighter in a way no one thought was possible,the trailer alone had thrown me off balance and i promised my self that i will buy the game as soon as it was released(and i did),slick graphics and superb gameplay has reestablished street fighter as the king of all fighters(pun intended)

4.assassins creed II

quite frankly,i wasnt looking forward for ac II,but i was pleasantly surprised.Ubisoft had revamped the entire game while keeping the good bits from its predecessor,unlike the prequel ac II had an actual storyline allthough ezio isnt the most likeable character.(i think altair had more of a backstory in this installment),new weapons,slicker assassination techniques,shops and best of all,the game isnt repetitive.

3.modern warfare 2

arguably the most awaited game of 2009,the game was so amazing that i didnt even notice the weak plot,well crafted and its probably the best fps around right now.

2.uncharted 2:among thieves

nathan drake returns in unchartered 2,this epic action adventure cemented ps3's position as the no.1 console this year.intense battles,beautiful visuals and everything else u need in a game,if u dont own a ps3,then this game is a good enough reason to buy one.

1.batman:arkham asylum

arkham asylum is this year's biggest surprise,the game kicked major ass and there has never been a comic book game that was this good,its the first time anyone has got batman right in a game, and all the original voice actors from the cartoon being was like every fanboy's dream come true,and the gameplay was awesome ,stealth with a bit of standard beat em up...beautifully made with great character usage.

Its been quite some time since i posted something,i guess i was a little too busy(i kid, i kid),anyway it is the new year(16 days late) and you know what that means,its the time you make those silly resolutions even though you know your definitely not going to keep them.I used to be in the habit of writing resolutions a couple of years back,it usually began like this,"this year i will turn into a new leaf"and then,i made sure my mother came across this blasphemous statement and she would turn to me with a tear in her eye and ruffle my hair(i was in grade seven mind you),the ruse works perfectly until my mother realizes that i was never a leaf in the first place . Anyway im not here to bore you with mindless chit chat about my new year resolutions,i just wanted to remind you that a new year has begun,wait a new decade has begun,do you know what that means?that means ive got shitloads of stuff to write about!come back here in a while to check out lists of what you shouldnt have missed and stuff you should have completely ignored in the last year(or decade)